Social Anxiety

Social Anxiety

Struggling with feelings of self-doubt in social situations can significantly impact self-esteem and inhibit confidence in developing relationships. Judgment or rejection by others is a persistent fear experienced by those struggling with Social Anxiety. This fear, frequently rooted in past negative social interactions, can lead one to believe he or she is socially deficient, leading the person to avoid social situations. The result is that the opportunities for making positive social interactions or practicing social skills are lost. The combination of anxiety and avoidance of social situations creates a vicious cycle that reaffirms the feeling that one cannot have meaningful relationships. Symptoms of Social Anxiety Disorder include:

  • Fearfulness in talking to or being around unfamiliar people
  • Difficulty speaking or formulating thoughts when around others
  • Avoiding social situations
  • Increased heart rate, perspiration and racing thoughts when around others
  • Difficulty forming or maintaining relationships
  • Feeling embarrassed or self-conscious around others

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