Mood Disorders

Fragmented Perspectives: How Depression Divides Our Perception

Depression is a complex mental health condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide. While it is characterized by feelings of sadness, low mood, and a loss of interest in activities, depression can also significantly impact how we see the world and ourselves. In this article discussion, we will explore the ways in which depression distorts …

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What are “The Summer Blues?” And How Do You Manage Them

The term “summer blues” is often used to describe a phenomenon where some individuals experience feelings of sadness, restlessness, or a general sense of discontent during the summer months. While it is more commonly associated with seasonal affective disorder (SAD), which is typically linked to winter months, some people may experience a negative mood change …

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memory and focus affected by bipolar disorder

How Memory and Focus Are Affected by Bipolar Disorder

Aside from the obvious mood difficulties that are inherent to individuals suffering from Bipolar Disorder (see Understanding Bipolar Disorder), memory, attention, and executive functioning can also be compromised. Attention is “the ability to selectively and flexibly process some information in the environment at the expense of other information.” Executive Functioning is a “broad term that …

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Couple Arguing

Supporting a Loved One Struggling with Bipolar Disorder

Struggling with Bipolar Disorder is an on-going and exhausting battle for the affected individual. Watching someone you love struggle with Bipolar Disorder can be equally challenging and exhausting. Seeing your loved one experience hopelessness, frequent crying spells, social and career frustrations, and feelings of worthlessness can be heartbreaking. Conversely, being the target of anger and …

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